Keith and Faith's 28 Day Detox

Keith and Faith are spending 28 days on a strict detox diet, not to lose weight, but to improve our health and general well-being. Can we do it? How will it make us feel? Can we survive 28 days without tea!? All will be revealed...

Saturday, August 27, 2005

21 Days and Beyond

Ok, I admit that I've been rubbish at updating the blog, however, we have been really good at sticking to our detox.

We didn't always follow the menu in the book, but we cooked receipes that we liked and had nuts, seeds and fruit for snacks.

After 21 days, we were feeling very positive, we've both got alot more energy than we had, (especially in the morning for me!). Also, we've both been told that our skin is looking really good and that we both look healthy. I've lost about 7 lbs, which I'm pleased with, even though I wasn't trying to lose weight.

So, with all these positive things to come out of the detox, we decided that we would continue to eat healthy after the detox, eating much the same as during the detox, but adding things like fish, white meat, and diary and wheat for me (Faith is going to stay off diary and wheat, as we have discovered that she is intollerant to it).

However before we can start this heathy new life, we have Faith's mum Margaret coming to visit. We've been looking forward to this for a while, we've got a whole host of exciting things planned for her to do. And as I'm writing this, she's been here a week and Faith's Dad and niece have travelled down to pick her up.

I that time we have been to Camden Market, Borough Market, Bramah's Tea Musuem, Imperial War Museum, Highgate Cemetery, Harrod's, Covent Garden, Canary Wharf and Lee Hurst's Backyard Comedy Club

With all this running around we decided that it was going to be too difficult to keep up with the detox diet as it takes too much time and preparation. Therefore, after having managing 3 weeks out of 4, we decided to finish the detox there and continue the helathy eating after everyone has left.

I hope to post some pics of our travels soon.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Natural History Museum

On Sunday we treated ourselves by visiting the Natural History Museum

The weekend was tough, as it's usually the time that you chill out and have a takeaway, or whatever is easy. So keeping to the strict detox diet is more harder at weekend.

Here's some pics we took in the museum:

Glyptodon - Like a pre-historic Armadillo

The Museum's Main Hall - Very impresive!
The Great Seycoya - A damn big tree!

We had a really nice time, and since it's FREE, we are hoping to go again soon.

Keith and Faith

Detox Day 6 - 9 Menu

It's been a while since I posted. Mostly because I've been feeling quite drained the last few days, but I'm feeling more full of energy today.

I'm trying to help Faith in the kitchen more today, we are cooking the red kidney bean hotpot together and we are preparing the food for tomorrow together too. It's not that I haven't been involved in the food preparation at all, but it has mostly been Faith cooking the food, although I always offer my services.

Here's what we've eaten in day's 6-9:

Day 6 -

Breakfast -
Millet porridge with almond milk and maple syrup

Lunch -
Faith: Banana and unsalted nuts
Keith: Apples and raisins

Snack -
Ricecakes topped with nut butter

Dinner -
Pepper and cashew pilaf and roast potatoes
Stawberry and raspberry smoothie

Day 7 -

Breakfast -
Hot water and lemon, peppermint tea
Ricecakes topped with nut butter

Snack -
Mango and kiwi fruit

Lunch -
Ricecakes topped with nut butter

Dinner -
Red lentil dahl with sunflower seeds
Fresh fruit: kiwi fruit and oranges

Day 8 -

Breakfast -
Hot lemon and lemon
Half a melon
Millet porridge with maple syrup

Lunch -
Ricecakes with nut butter
Keith: Apple
Faith: Nectarine

Dinner -
Red lentil dahl
Roast potatoes

Day 9 (Today) -

Breakfast -
Hot water and lemon
Ricecakes topped with nut butter

Lunch -
Baked Potatoe

Snack -
Keith: Carot, apple and kiwi fruit
Faith: Banana, kiwi fruit, nuts and raisins

Dinner -
Red kidney bean hotpot on baked potatoe

Well that is what we have been eating over the last few days. We have both been feeling alot better today, I'm hoping that this will continue.

That's all for now, I'm going to let my dinner go down.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Detox Day 5

Didn't get round to posting yesterday, here's what we've eaten over the past 2 days:

Day 4:

Breakfast -
Fresh fruit medley (apple, melon, grapes, kiwi)

Lunch -
Rice cakes with nut butter

Dinner -
Rice with grilled vegetables
Mixed seeds
Stawberries and oranges

Day 5:

Breakfast -
Strawberry and Raspberry smoothie (very nice)

Lunch -
Rye crispbreads with a little honey or nut butter (yum)

Dinner -
Roast potatoes and vegetables

Feeling alot better today, despite finding difficult to get out of bed this morning. I ususally spend the first hour of work walking around in a daze, but I was very alert this morning. So I'm hoping things will be getting easier from here on in. I'm starting to like alot of the food too.

Right, having an early night tonight, so see you later!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Detox Day 3

Hi there,

The spiced rice with pumpkinseeds, last night, wasn't that nice, same problem with the rice, didn't seem to be cooked.

However, the melon with stawberries and mint was lovely, we'll be having that again.

Menu for today:

Breakfast -
Fresh fruit - Pineapple, oranges and mango (Nice, I especially like pineapple)
Mixed seeds

Snack -
Faith - Banana and apples
Keith - Oranges

Lunch -
Avacado and walnut salad (This wasn't that nice, and we certainly weren't looking forward to it, dressing was alright though)

Snack -
Keith - Raisins
Both - Mixed seeds

Dinner (About to have) -
Red Kidney Bean Hotpot (Sounds nice, I'll let you know)

We've been shopping again today, but now we have all the food we need until Day 6.

Still feeling quite tired, had trouble getting out of bed this morning, although I haven't had a headache anything like yesterday's.

We both seem to find that our headaches start at the time we would have had our first cup of tea. Faith has a cup of time first thing in the morning, and her headache started then. My first cup of tea is usually about 10:30, and thats when my headache kicked in.

Been on a bit of a downer today, and been thinking about all the lovely food that I'm missing out on, fry-ups, chips, spicy chicken wraps...never mind, I'm looking forward to them at the end of the 28-days.

Feeling more positive now, but I hope the energy and alertness that I've been told about starts soon!!!


Monday, August 01, 2005

Detox Day 2

Well today wasn't easy, but I'll start with what we've eaten:

Breakfast -
Millet porridge with almond milk (still quite nice)
Raisins (YUM, Faith doesn't like them though)

Snack -
Faith: Organic Pineapple, 2 Nectarines, 2 Apples
Keith: Rye bread with tahini

Lunch -
Vegetable soup (Faith cooked this the night before and we heated it up in the microwave at work)

Dinner (We are having this in half an hour) -
Spiced rice with pumpkinseeds
Melon with stawberries and mint

As I said, today was tough. I felt really, REALLY tired and started to get a headache during the morning.

I think Faith had it worse, but she'll probably tell you about that.

We left work early, bought the extra fruit and veg that we needed, and when I got back I had a little sleep, and took a couple of paracetemols to ease the headache. I was in two minds about whether I should take any medication for my headache, as I was detoxing, and this didn't seem to fit with the ethos of the detox. In the end I decided to, as it would allow me to help Faith with preparation and planning.

Well, we are about to eat our dinner, I might post later about what the dinner is like.
